Four Winds Bermagui - Music In Nature

Home Stretch – Down by the Water

Position: Film | Performance
Sandy Creek Bridge

Down By the Water is a screen performance that draws upon an Australian Gothic aesthetic to resurface loss and buried memories from the waters of Sandy Creek and the surrounding landscape.

Navigate Arts:

Creative Director/Director: Dr Louise Morris
Site and Technical manager: Matthew Scott
Art Department- Costume and Props: Louise Morris and Matthew Scott
Hair and Make-up: Danya Thompson

Performance Ensemble:

Ilsa Morandini
Julie Morandini
Mica Mahani
Deborah Nave
Amalia-Grace Thompson
Danya Thompson

Film Crew:

Co-Director/Drone Pilot: Kyle Wilson
Producer: Hiromi Matsuoka
DOP: Andrew Robinson
Grip/Gaffer: Brent Occleshaw
Sound Recordist: Sam Seidel
Sound Design: Kyle Wilson
Editing: Kyle Wilson/Andrew Robinson/Louise Morris

Four Winds:

Executive Producer: Gabrielle Waters, Creative Director: Lindy Hume, Production Manager: Marika Nordquist and Production Coordinator: Jeff Donovan.

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